вторник, 6 декабря 2016 г.

                       Practical Grammar
The Third Year of Studies
Term V


      1. The simple sentence: classification according to the purpose of utterance and                  structure.
  2. The principal parts of the sentence.
  3. Two-member and one-member sentences.
  4. The subject: ways of expressing the subject.
  5. The formal and the notional it.
  6. The complex subject: means of expressing and use.
  7. The predicate: classification according to meaning and structure.
  8. The compound nominal predicate: the nature of its components.
  9. The compound verbal predicate: the nature of its components.
10. The compound verbal aspect predicate: the nature of its components.
11. Mixed types of predicates.
12. The complex predicative: means of expressing and use.
13. Agreement of the predicate with the subject.
14. The principal and the secondary parts of the sentence.
15. The object: ways of expressing the object.
16. Kinds of objects.
17. Direct and indirect objects.
18. The complex object: means of expressing and use.
19. The attribute: ways of expressing.
20. The apposition.
21. The complex attribute: means of expressing and use.
22. The adverbial modifier: classification according to meaning.
23. Ways of expressing adverbial modifiers.
24. The complex adverbial modifiers: means of expressing and use.
25. Word order.
26. Inversion.
27. Independent elements of the sentence.
Зразок картки до заліку з практичної  граматики

Credit in Practical Grammar of the English Language
 Course III, Term V
Card 1
Task 1. Answer the theoretical question.
The Predicate: classification according to meaning and structure.
Task 2. Identify the complex members of the sentence, give their syntactical functions and name the predicative verbal constructions which convey them.
1.      It was quite unexpected his coming back so soon.
2.        The method of our teaching English brought to positive results.
3.      He proved to be right as usual.
4.      He felt the bridge shaking under the feet.
5.      There being a severe storm at sea, the steamer could not leave the port.
Task 3. Translate the sentences given below.
1.      Мені було дуже важко повірити у це.
2.      Ти не будеш заперечувати, якщо я відкрию вікно?
3.      Його вважали найкращим студентом курсу. (2 варіанти).
4.     Він пояснив мені причину, через яку Джек так рано пішов з вечірки.
5.      Його сім’я – видатні музиканти.
Task 4. Make a syntactical and morphological analysis of the simple sentence given below.
·         Suddenly all the differences between life and death became apparent. (Stone)

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